Cinetopicalities In Brief No. 131 (1940)

Titles read: “CINETOPICALITIES IN BRIEF“. Various locations of events. In the United States of America, we see several shots of a student from a Midwest university testing a new explosive he has developed beside a dynamite charge. He places both explosives in the ground then detonates them. His invention makes a larger explosion than the dynamite and he measures the crater it left behind. It has eight times the power of conventional dynamite. In London we see C/U of inventor Mr Dyson (great ’mad inventor’ hair). Various shots show his new invention of a floating ’balloon weapon’ or aerial mine. This is a real Heath Robinson device consisting of a balloon, air socks, struts, clockwork mechanism and hanging explosive canisters. They are intended to be dropped amongst enemy planes and “cause havoc“. No mention is made of what happens to people on the ground when they drift to earth! Cataloguer’s note: wonder if Mr Dyson is an ancestor of the vacuum cleaner man? FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM B
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