On our 3rd anniversary, let’s take it back to where it all started…
‘The Light’ — the anthem that set our hearts ablaze and into the world. With a flaming intensity, it shined the way to ACEs, our beloved fans. ACEs, it’s been an absolute honor to have you light us up… and we’re just getting start3d.
The passion, love, and fire burns on! ❤️🔥
Happy 3 years, and cheers to so much more.
Videographers: Reden Blanquera and Mickey Perz
Editor: Mickey Perz
Director: Mickey Perz
Head of Entertainment Production and Star Magic: Laurenti Dyogi
Business Unit Head : Raymund Dizon
Manager: Mylene Mallari
Executive Producer: Jovelyn Aberion
Creative Manager: Marty Go and Abelle Lacuesta
Road Manager: Miko Cestina
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