Coding the Hilbert Curve

Coding in the Cabana is a series where I attempt challenges from my garden cabana in Brooklyn, NY. In this episode, I animate the path of the classic “space filling curve“ known as the Hilbert Curve. Code: 🕹️ Web Editor Sketch: 🎥 All videos: References: 🗄 Hilbert Curve Wikipedia: 🔁 Iterative algorithm for drawing Hilbert curve by Marcin Chwedczuk: Videos: 🎥 Hilbert’s Curve: Is infinite math useful?: Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 0:58 The Hilbert Curve 7:03 Hilbert Curve: First Iteration 11:38 Adding Higher Orders 23:04 Filling Space 24:55 Adding Color 24:55 Conclusions and Editing by Mathieu Blanchette Animations by Jason Heglund Music from Epidemic Sound 🚂 Website: 👾 Share Your Creation! 🚩 Suggest Topics: 💡 GitHub: 💬 Discord: 💖 Membership: 🛒 Store: 🖋️ Twitter: 📸 Instagram: 🎥 Coding Challenges: 🎥 Intro to Programming: 🔗 : 🔗 Web Editor: 🔗 Processing: 📄 Code of Conduct: This description was auto-generated. If you see a problem, please open an issue: #hilbertcurve #iterativealgorithm #spacefilling #processing
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