85-mm anti-aircraft gun model of 1939 in the Panorama Museum of Stalingrad Battle

During the war, the armory served as the basis for the development of long-range tank guns D-5 and ZIS-S-53, which were installed on anti-tank SAU SU-85 and tanks T-34-85, KV-85 and IS-1. The cannon was developed by the design bureau of the plant № 8 in Kaliningrad near Moscow on the task of GAU. Her predecessor was M. Н. Loginov 76-mm anti-aircraft gun model of 1938, which was released in a small series in 1938-1940. Due to the extremely tight deadlines set for the development of the new system, the leading designer G. D. Dorokhin decided to lay an 85-mm barrel on the platform of the 76-mm anti-aircraft gun model of 1938, using the shutter and semi-automatic this gun. In 1939, a new 85-mm anti-aircraft gun with a factory designation 52-K was used for landfills, during which it was found necessary to install a brake caliper, increase the support surface of the wedge shutter and gnosis. Developed in accordance with the recommendations of the scientific-experimental landfill, the weapon was also used that year in the armament of the Red Army under the name “85-mm anti-aircraft gun model of 1939.“ At the beginning of the war there were 3082 guns (3016 in RKKA and 66 in VMF). To increase the accuracy of the arrows on the air targets 85-mm anti-aircraft guns were equipped with artillery anti-aircraft guns PUAZO-3, which allowed to solve the task of meeting the projectile and the aircraft. In addition to the PUAZO devices used for fire control in the main areas of the 85-mm anti-aircraft guns, used and radar stations of the RUS detection. The cannon was also equipped with a mechanical installer of explosives constructions L. B. Lyulyeva. In order to increase the output of anti-aircraft artillery during the war, it was necessary to solve the task of reducing labor intensity and metal permeability of products. The design of the cannon 52-K was simplified, and at the same time the technology of its manufacture was improved. In 1943 the advanced weapon was successfully tested, and in February 1944 the cannon, which received the factory index KS-12, went into serial production. The first two letters of the index meant that the weapon was created at their factory. Kalinin in Sverdlovsk. Intended for combat aircraft with anti-aircraft gunners, for airborne shootings, for live ground targets and fire points of the enemy, these weapons were successfully used and used to destroy Nazi tanks. With unusual anti-aircraft missiles 52-K managed more successfully than other anti-tank guns that year. With her armored shell she was able to pierce the armor of all types of tanks, which were armed with the German army until the middle of 1943. And when in 1942 G. D. Dorokhin was awarded the title of laureate of the State Prize, the award was marked not only anti-aircraft, but also anti-tank quality of the weapon. 85-mm anti-aircraft gun obr. 1939 is designated for the fight with the aircraft of the enemy. These arrows are produced by the artillery anti-aircraft fire control device (PUAZO). A shot without PUAZO with the use of target devices is made in those cases, when PUAZO is not or it can not be used for any reason. The design features of the cannon, the availability of an effective long-range grenade and an armored projectile give the opportunity to use the cannon in case of necessity, as well as for firing on the airborne troops, the enemy is very powerful. The 85-mm anti-aircraft gun has high combat and tactical features that are necessary for striking suddenly and rapidly moving targets. The cannon has a circular firing, which reaches the cash register of the bedside table. When training, the transfer of cannons from the marching position in the combat takes place in 1.2 minutes, and from the combat position in the marching - 1.5 - 2 minutes. The cannon is transported by car or tractor. Maximum speed of movement - up to 50 km / h on an asphalt highway. The cannon is served by a calculation from seven people: six calculation numbers and one artillery commander. Years of production from 1940 to 1945 A total of 14,422 guns were released Mass - 4300 kilograms in combat position Speed ​​- up to 20 shots per minute Target distance is 15,650 meters 戦時中、この兵器は対戦車SAU SU-85と戦車T-34-85、KV-に搭載された長距離戦車砲D-5とZIS-S-53の開発の基礎となりました。 85およびIS-1。 大砲は、GAUの任務で、モスクワ近郊のカリーニングラードにあるプラント№8の設計局によって開発されました。彼女の前任者はMでした。 Н。 Loginov 1938年から1940年に小シリーズでリリースされた、1938年の76mm対空砲モデル。新しいシステムの開発には非常に厳しい締め切りが設定されているため、一流の設計者G。 D。ドロキンは、シャッターと半自動のこの砲を使用して、1938年の76mm対空砲モデルのプラットフォームに85mmの砲身を置くことにしました。 1939年、工場指定52-Kの新しい85 mm対空砲が埋め立て地に使用されました。その間、ブレーキキャリパーを取り付け、ウェッジシャッターの支持面を増やし、グノーシスを行う必要がありました。科学実験埋立地の推奨に従って開発されたこの兵器は、その年、「1939年の85mm対空砲モデル」という名前で赤軍の兵器にも使用されました。 戦争の初めには、3082門の銃がありました(RKKAでは3016門、VMFでは66門)。 空中目標の矢の精度を上げるために、85 mmの対空砲には、砲弾対空砲PUAZO-3が装備されていました。これにより、発射体と航空機に遭遇するという課題を解決すること&am
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