We did sex at midnight, morning hours. Then she gave me money that I spent with my family at home. Ali Salim Mwakupigwa, from

‘We did sex at midnight, morning hours. Then she gave me money that I spent with my family at home.’ Ali Salim Mwakupigwa, from Kenya, talks about a lady from Germany – his first older girlfriend. That’s how his career as a beach-boy started. The job market in the country is extremely tough and many young men go to the beach looking for women to spend the night with. For the money he gets from having sex, Ali feeds his wife and family. He claims his wife doesn’t mind – she knows they would hardly survive without these means. More on this story is in our video. Find more young Kenyans, forced into prostitution in our documentary ‘Kenya Sexploited.’ #Kenya FOLLOW News&Docfilms Channel Источник: RT Documentary
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