Bella Swan :: Wide awake

Watch in small screen, HD and with headphones if i’ts possible ;) You will enjoy the experience more. Probably my last Bella Swan video. This girl, this girl... I read about Bella for the first time SEVEN years ago when I first read Twilight. Hey, look at me now, it’s been almost a decade and I’m still here vidding about her. I remember reading the books and actually wondering what was Bella doing with her life because the decisions she made were crazy but I’ve always loved her, she’s a character I can relate to in so many aspects... It’s amazing and I feel really “close“ to her for how she is. She’s not my ultimate favorite book character but I love her fair enough to spend hours editing this video with this mindblowing and awesome song. Btw, I started Uni last Monday and omfg, I already have things to study and projects to do so I don’t know when will I upload again but let’s say that I will try to upload as soon as possible. (I already have one new vide
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