Amidst acute Russophobia in certain Western countries (even in once “neutral“ states), our people now fully understand just how

Amidst acute Russophobia in certain Western countries (even in once “neutral“ states), our people now fully understand just how important it is to stick together. That is why Russian compatriots, their foreign friends and relatives from all over Switzerland regularly come together to celebrate folk culture, holidays and traditions.   🤝 A recent such event took place in the village of Rorbas near Zurich and gathered about 100 people – residents of Aargau, Basel, Bern, Geneva, Solothurn, Lucerne, Zug, Zurich and other cantons of the Confederation – to celebrate the “harvest season“ with songs, round dances and heartfelt greetings.   People from different countries of origin - Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic states, who came to Switzerland from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kursk, Yasinovataya, Crimea, Kharkov, Odessa, Kirovograd and other cities – gathered for the festive summer send-off.   ️ It is safe to say that the guests at such holidays are not divided into “friends“ and “strangers“, since there is only one group of “our people“ – kindred spirits of different cultures, languages and nationalities united by common history, traditions and values. The people who know perfectly well that strength and success come from unity. Источник: Russian Mission Geneva
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