Magicians vs Greenteck, Reina & Shigekix | 3v3 Open Styles Top4 | Radikal Forze Jam 2019 | RPProds

“As an organizer, despite not being able to control all situations at my event because of the scale of things, i think i owe a statement to all those who were present and experienced the un-pleasant incident at the event, and those who are watching on social media. Firstly, I would like to say, I am a firm believer of the confucius saying “Do not do unto others what you don’t want other do unto you” What we doing is dance and hiphop... and in dance & hiphop, i believe what we have been educating is peace, love, unity, & having fun, knowledge is supposed to be in there too, and i believe that RESPECT should be something that has been educated just as strongly as the earlier mentioned pillars of our belief. It is 2019, and we as a dance culture has moved from being just in the ghetto, to a worldwide phenomenon, and culture of massive diversity. We as role-models, practitioners, and educators SHOULD always be setting an example of positivity and respectfulness apart from the tec
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