Water Bodies for Kids | What are the different bodies of water?

What is an ocean? What is a lake? What do you call water that flows down a mountain? In this video, you and your kid(s) will learn all about the many bodies of water that cover the earth. You will discover what to call both the largest and smallest water bodies. Over 70% of the earth’s surface is made up of water. That means there is more than double the amount of water than there is land! Some bodies of water are made up of salt water. Others, such as many lakes and streams, contain fresh water. There is a lot more salt water than fresh water, though. Over 95% of water sources are salt water. That’s because most of the water on the planet comes from oceans, which are by far the biggest water bodies. Not to mention, the deepest part of the ocean is deeper than the height of Mt. Everest! Scientists believe there are around a million species living in the ocean! While trees convert carbon dioxide to oxygen, did you know about 70% of Earth’s oxygen supply actually comes from phytoplankton in the oceans? You
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