Karliene - Lament for Boromir

Another highly requested one for you guys today. Taken from “The Lord of the Rings“ books by , a sad, funeral song sung by Aragorn and Legolas for Boromir. Free to download on my website: Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: Get Free Music and get in touch: SUBSCRIBE : — | LYRICS |-- Aragorn sang: Through Rohan over fen and field where the long grass grows The West Wind comes walking, and about the walls it goes. ‘What news from the West, O wandering wind, do you bring to me tonight? Have you seen Boromir the Tall by moon or by starlight? ‘I saw him ride over seven streams, over waters wide and grey, I saw him walk in empty lands until he passed away Into the shadows of the North, I saw him then no more. The North Wind may have heard the horn of the son of
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