The Modding community landscape of BF2 continues to evolve 17 years after the game’s official release in 2005, since then, the greatness in Battlefield 2 never stopped, with each mod becoming better and better year after year, more and more passionate modders joining together in an effort to offer us, the players, the chance of playing a much better version of BF2. With each mod we download from the internet, the replay value continues to grow up to never ending boundaries as time flies by, making BF2 a much more legendary game than ever, with a legacy that will never die as long as its strong playerbase & Modder community continues to take care of it in the form of mods, custom maps, kits & fixes for it.
With that said, a new mod just arrived recently to BF2 to once again blow our minds out of how goddamn great it is, its MW MOD V1.0
it mixes BF2’s classic gameplay with COD MW 2019’s brutal and fast paced nature, giving us an amazing gameplay experience, try it out for yours
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