This Advanced Diminished Lick is CRAZY! - TTT #22

Do you ever need to pull out a crazy lick to get someone’s attention during your solo? This one will surely get the job done! This is a lick which uses ascending first inversion major triads with an approach note. Give it a try! JPS 3.0 is coming Nov 24th for Black Friday? Want to get more information about our biggest release of the year and best DEAL of the year? Go to _____________ Have you been trying to learn jazz piano with YouTube videos, DVDs, teachers, but feel like you’re still constantly guessing, can’t play any tunes without copying what someone else has played, and don’t know how to connect all the tid bits you’ve learned? I went through the same thing but thankfully stumbled upon a learning system I created based on proven language learning blocks. The JPS System brings you through 4 main categories of learning, Theory, Technique, Improvisation and Repertoire. I’
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