Jem Cohen - Empires Of Tin

1. Sponge - CHESNUTT 2. World War One - PICCIOTTO 3. Distortion - CHESNUTT 4. Der Gasn Nigun - AMAR/MOSS (SMZ) 5. What He Is And What He Ain’t - CHESNUTT 6. Sound Collage - PICCIOTTO/GRIFFIN 7. Coward - CHESNUTT 8. Choir Invisible - COHEN/GRIFFIN/TOTH 9. Wall St. Flag Improvisation - AMAR/CRAVEN (SMZ) 10. Blanket Over The Head - CHESNUTT 11. Brooklyn, Silesia - THE QUAVERS 12. Rustic City Fathers - CHESNUTT The Vienna International Film Festival (Viennale) takes place in October of each year. For the 2007 edition, New York filmmaker Jem Cohen was commissioned to close the festival, which he did with his program entitled Evening’s Civil Twilight In Empires Of Tin. This piece, inspired by Joseph Roth’s novel The Radetsky March, is a meditation on the decline of empires, juxtaposing images from the twilight stages of the Hapsburg empire and WWI with footage from present-day Vienna and Cohen’s hometown of Brooklyn, NY.
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