India-Russia: An Old Friendship | Checkmate Episode 16 With Major Gaurav Arya (Retd.)

India-Russia: An Old Friendship | Checkmate Episode 16 With Major Gaurav Arya (Retd.) #Checkmate #India #Russia #RepublicTV With Russian President Vladimir Putin set visit India and meet PM Narendra Modi, Major Gaurav Arya (Retd.) analyses the long-lasting and time-tested India-Russia ties in the latest episode of Checkmate. Major Gaurav Arya throws light on the weapons deals signed between the two countries over the last few decades and latest S-400 and AK-203 deals signed as well. How S-400 can benefit India, why it scares China and America’s reaction has also been discussed in this episode of Checkmate. “Nothing can pull India and Russia apart,“ says Major Gaurav Arya in this episode to signify the ties between the two countries.
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