Assange Belmarsh Tribunal: Chip Gibbons Testifies

“When governments kill civilians, not only is it not terrorism, but when you expose murder by government, they treat you as a terrorist.“ “Edward Snowden.. exposed that our government was lying to us about how they were spying on us, and for this patriotic act was driven into exile, while the lying spies continue to enjoy lucrative careers with war profiteers and cable news programs. And you have to ask yourself, do they view those as two different jobs? Because after all, someone has to sell the wars that line their pockets.“ “The Supreme Court has long held, the First Amendment also includes a right to receive information and ideas. Through its law-fare, covert actions and propaganda campaigns, the US government hopes to prevent WikiLeaks from publishing. Thus, the US government has engaged in a conspiracy to deprive the US people writ large of our First Amendment right to receive information and ideas. They are seeking to kill the messenger in order to prevent all of
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