New Styles In Furniture (1957)

NEW STYLES IN FURNITURE Earls Court, London. (Ideal Homes Exhibition?) GV. Exhibition of furniture at Earls Court. LV. Pan exhibition. SV. Woman sitting at modern writing desk, she opens a drawer in top of writing desk and closes it. Contemporary tables, one fashioned as a piano - a coffee table, with keyboard made of inlaid tiles. Pan across showing one like a domino and another shaped as a painter’s palette - cool! CU. Woman looking on. SV. Salesman opening up modern table, he pushes the centre piece which turns upside down. He folds up a tablecloth and places it in centre compartment. CU. As salesman then pushes the two outer leaves together, covering the inner piece which holds the tablecloth. LV. Glamour girl sitting beside modern cocktail cabinet, all the surrounding furniture is man-made timber (compressed wood chips). CU. girl closes top of cabinet and then goes over to modern enclosed bookcase. CU. She slides back door of a bookcase and takes out a book. SCU. People looking on. SV. Wom
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