«ТРИОДЬ НОТНОГО ПЕНИЯ, ПОСТНАЯ И ЦВЕТНАЯ» (Санкт-Петербург, Синодальная типография, 1899 год).
Певчие знаменных хоров Спасо-Андроникова монастыря.
The fifth sunday in Lent
on which we celebrate the memory of
The Kingdom of God is not food and drink, but righteousness and abstinence with holiness: and so the rich shall not enter into it, but those who entrust their treasures to the hands of the poor. This is what David the Prophet teaches us, saying: The righteous man shows mercy all the day long; his delight is in the Lord, and walking in the light he s
...hall not stumble. All this was written for our admonition, that we should fast and do good; and in exchange for earthly things may the Lord reward us with the things of heaven.
Неделя пятая Великого поста
На хвалитех
И поем самогласен, глас 1: Несть Царство Божие пища и питие, / но правда и воздержание со святостию. / Темже не богShow more