NARUTO taught me that your past doesn’t choose what or who you become
SAKURA taught me too not let myself be hurt because of some else
ITACHI taught me that family is somthing you protect know matter what.
GAARA taught me that change is possible.
SASUKE taught me revenge is not worth it because in the end, it causes more pain.
KAKASHI taught me too not let things bring you down.
OBITO taught me, too not hold things against people, because you don’t know there backstory or reasons for there actions. and don’t let that change how you act
NEJI taught me too cherish people close too me.
JIRAIYA hard work pays off in the end. and it will all be worth it
TSUNADE taught me they you can always become strong no matter how weak you start off too be.
SAI taught me too watch people closely and try too understand how they feel.
SHISUI taught me too always be there for somone
MADARA taught me that no one is a bad person.