Behold a Pale Horse by Milton William Cooper

Behold a Pale Horse - Written by Milton William Cooper an Audiobook. spread this like wildfire if you want to live. source can be found here if you want to go deeper. read the PDF here: THERE ARE REDACTED COPIES OUT THERE! Just be cautious when purchasing the physical copy as some content may be missing. Chapters 00:00:12 Chapter 1 - Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars 01:06:58 Chapter 2 - Secret Societies and the NWO 02:22:45 Chapter 3 - Oath of Initiation of an Unidentified Secret Order 02:29:09 Chapter 4 - Secret Treaty of Verona 02:37:14 Chapter 5 - Goodbye USA, Hello NWO 03:03:25 Chapter 6 - HR 4079 and FEMA 04:22:36 Chapter 7 - Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 HR 5210 PL 100-690 04:38:51 Chapter 8 - Are the Sheep Ready to Shear? 04:41:34 Chapter 9 - Anatomy of an Alliance 05:19:03 Chapter 10 - Lessons from Lithuania 05:23:59 Chapter 11 - Coup de Grace 05:47:57 Chapter 12 - The Secret Government 07:37:49 Chapter 13 - Treason in High Places 07:59:25 Chapter 14 - Protocols of the Elders of Zion 10:26:20 Chapter 15 - Ropes of Bondage
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