Making a Sailor Ep. 2 “What did I get myself into?“ | U.S. Navy Veteran Sharing My Input | Reaction
In this video I give my insight on the US Navy’s video series which follows a few certain Recruit’s through their time, over 8 weeks, at Recruit Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. I served in the US Navy myself from 2003 to 2007 and was stationed at Naval Support Activity, Souda Bay- Crete, Greece and Naval Support Activity, Naples, Italy as a Master-at-Arms (MA3). I hope that by giving some more inside information by giving my personal experience can help anyone thinking about joining the US Navy or have already joined and are awaiting your ship date! Farewell and Following Seas if so! Thank you all for watching!
В этом видео я делюсь своим взглядом на серию видео о ВМС США, в которой рассказывается о нескольких рекрутах и проведенных ими 8 неделях в Учебном центре для новобранцев в штате Иллинойс. Я сам служил в военно-морском флоте США с 2003 по 2007 год, а также служил в Военно-морской службе поддержки на Крите, в Греции, и в Военно-морской службе поддержки, в Неаполе, в Ит