Forever Red Dino Rangers! (From Mighty Morphin to Power Rangers Dino Fury)

With the new release of Power Rangers Dino Fury episode 1 (Destination Dinohenge), we’re making a comparison video between all Tyrannosaurus themed Red Rangers from Dinosaur-related Power Ranger teams! This includes their zords, morphers, weapons, & super modes / battlizers. Jason: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Conner: Power Rangers Dino Thunder Tyler: Power Rangers Dino Charge (Dino Super Charge) Zayto: Power Rangers Dino Fury Rocky: MMPR 1995 Movie Jason: 2017 Power Rangers Movie ----------- Note that this was made before Dino Fury came out, so some of the stuff mentioned here might turn out to be wrong. About the many ranger mode upgrades, I purposely left out a ton of those, as it would take too long to mention each one of them. If you liked this video, you can check out our explanation series of about each one of the original MMPRs: -Jason: -Tommy: -Zack: -Billy: -Kimberly: https://you
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