CHAI - チョコチップかもね/Maybe Chocolate Chips (feat. Ric Wilson) - Official Music Video

Download & Streaming ▶︎ new album “WINK“ on MAY 21 !! 増えていくもの、減っていくもの。あって欲しいもの、無くなって欲しいもの。歳を重ねるといろいろあるけれど、その度に増えていく自分のホクロが私は大好き!それはチョコチップクッキーみたいで、たくさんあるほど嬉しくなっちゃって、いつの間にかオリジナルになる♡ そんな曲だよ!踊ろう〜♡ Things that develop over time, things that diminish over time. Things that we want to hold on to, things that we wished went away. A lot of things happen as we age and with that for me, is new moles! But I love them! My moles are like the chocolate chips on a cookie, the more you have, the happier you become! and before you know it, you’re an original♡ It’s that type of song! Let’s dance!〜♡ CHAI =========================== Ric Wilson  - Video Staff - Music Video and Animation by Callum Scott-Dyson // CSD Videography Videographer(Ric Wilson) by
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