*Odessa by Drone | 4K Drone Footage | Ukraine*
Welcome to this aerial tour by drone! This 4k video was recorded during our trip to Odessa, Ukraine in August 2021. I truly enjoyed travelling to Odessa, and I hope you will also enjoy this drone footage.
In this drone video, you will see a lot of major tourist attractions and sightseeing of Odessa from above.
*About Odessa:*
Odessa or Odesa (Ukrainian: Одеса, Russian: Одесса) is the third most populous city of Ukraine and a major tourism centre, seaport and transport hub located on the northwestern shore of the Black Sea. Odessa is sometimes called the “pearl of the Black Sea“, the “South Capital“ and “Southern Palmyra“.
City was founded in 1794 by order of Russian empress Catherine the Great. Odessa has always been the main port city of the Black Sea coast. Tourists are attracted by the city’s good traditions and hospitality, beautiful architecture and spacious beaches. During the Soviet period, it was the most important port of trade in the Soviet Union and a Soviet naval base.
During the 19th century, Odessa was the fourth largest city of Imperial Russia, after Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Warsaw. Its historical architecture has a style more Mediterranean than Russian, having been heavily influenced by French and Italian styles. Some buildings are built in a mixture of different styles, including Art Nouveau, Renaissance and Classicist. Many of Odessa’s buildings have, rather uniquely for a Ukrainian city, been influenced by the Mediterranean style of classical architecture.
There are really many places for walking in the city, and you can study its streets indefinitely. Here you will find beautiful old mansions and magnificent modern buildings, as well as numerous monuments and fountains. The old part of the city and its main symbol is the Deribasovskaya Street, along which is stretched a large square. Here you will see contemporary artists who show off their works; take a walk among the ancient sculptures and watch beautiful pictures of marine landscapes, portraits and still life pictures.
In 1887 one of the city’s most well known architectural monuments was completed – the theatre, which still hosts a range of performances to this day; it is widely regarded as one of the world’s finest opera houses. Odessa Opera and Ballet Theatre is considered one of the greatest cultural monuments.
Odessa’s most iconic symbol, the Potemkin Stairs, is a vast staircase that conjures an illusion so that those at the top only see a series of large steps, while at the bottom all the steps appear to merge into one pyramid-shaped mass. Today on the top of the hill there is a beautiful park where you can walk among the trees, admire some interesting monuments and appreciate the city’s panorama.
The city’s most unusual architectural monument can be called Odessa Passage built back in the 19th century. Today, the beautiful historic building with a glass roof houses a prestigious hotel and several boutiques. In the pre-revolutionary period, it housed the city’s most prestigious shops.
Odessa is one of the best tourist destination with developed tourism infrastructure and tourism industry in general. The tourism sector is of great importance to Odessa.
To create the description of this aerial footage, I used the following resources:
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📸 🎥 Below you can find the list of the equipment I used to create this 4k drone footage.
Drone – DJI Mini 2 Quadcopter (I always use for aerial videos)
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