’ops (1926)

A film about the mechanisation of hop cropping. C/U of a man drinking a tankard of beer. He wears a flat cap and has a neckerchief. He smiles broadly at the camera with a ruddy nose - presumably he is drunk or an alcoholic. Intertitle reads: “Yus! ’ops is me favrit flahr - I’ve drunk millions of ’em, I ’ave.“ C/U of the man who mouths part of the preceding intertitle then takes a big gulp of beer. “But, we’re afraid the days of the merry pickers are numbered. Instead of this....“ M/S of a group of hop pickers - presumably a family, mother cuts bread, father eats something out of a tin and children sit around them also eating. They are obviously in the hop fields having a break. M/S of two women laughing as they work. “there’ll be this...“ Several men stand on a platform moving branches of hops onto an elevator which moves the hops to another location. C/U of the conveyor belt which transports the hops. “...and this, for a giant machine has just arrived in England that does the work of 600 men
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