Shovel - Scuzzbucket Volunteers Band - Original - Buckdaddy Studio
Lyrics by-Justin Baird
Feel it crawling down my neck
Like a promise to the reaper
Mercy come mercy go
Mercy let your spirit show...
Something bleeding something deeper
And when the rain it hits the soil
Let the shovel pack it down
Let the shovel pack it down
Just like boys with brilliant strategies
Chasing girls that turn to tragedies
They all need mirrors in the end
What kind of devil will they send?
Feel it crawling down your neck
Better pray for the non believer
Mercy come mercy go
Mercy let your FREEDOM show
...tell me are you just the reaper??
And when the rain it hits the soil
Let the shovel pack it down
Let the shovel pack it down
Early in the evening
As the city begins to glow
Remember restless nights
Once upon a midnight show
6 handles and a 6 pack left untouched
The life you lived you took too much
Here comes the fire underground
Here comes the demons all around
And when the rain it hits the soil
Let the shovel pack it down
the shovel pack it down
New music by-scuzzbucket volunteers band
Written by-Justin Baird
Featuring guitar by-John Pletcher
Vocals and arrangements by-Kary Groves
Drums -by Aaron Stepanick
Produced by-Buckdaddy Studio
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