“Dead“ Woman Wakes Up at a Mortuary in Ecuador and Knocks On Her Coffin

A 76-year-old woman named Bella Yolanda Montoya Castro is trending online for miraculously waking up during her vigil service after being pronounced dead at Martín Icaza Hospital in Babahoyo (Ecuador). Initially, it was believed that the retired nurse died of a stroke and cardiopulmonary arrest on Friday. Shortly thereafter, her body was transported to the mortuary for close friends and family members to say their goodbyes, but after about five hours, attendees heard a knock come from inside the coffin. “It gave us all a fright,” recalled her son, Gilberto Barbera.“ “There were about 20 of us mom was wrapped in sheets and hitting the coffin, and when we approached, we could see that she was breathing heavily.”
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