GTA 5 - Best Niko Bellic Easter Eggs! (TOP 8)

GTA 5 - All Niko Bellic Easter Eggs! (TOP 8) 0:00 - Lifeinvader Profile (Jimmy’s Laptop) 0:37 - Wanted Poster (Niko Bellic’s House) 1:05 - Lester Mentions Niko (Casing the Jewel Store) 1:35 - GTA Online Character Customization (Niko As Father) 1:54 - License Plate (Private Taxi Fares - Walter) 3:36 - Jacket and Picture (Yellow Jack Inn) 4:04 - Patrick McReary Mentions Niko (The Paleto Score) 4:42 - Trevor’s Secret Base (Niko Bellic Found) GTA 5 - Best Carl Johnson Easter Eggs! (TOP 7) GTA 5 - Girlfriend Amanda! (Story Mode Secret) How To Get A Girlfriend in GTA 5! (Trevor and Ursula) 15 Things REMOVED from GTA 5! (BETA Version) GTA 5 - Scary Places & Easter Eggs! (TOP 5)
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