AH-1Z VIPER by ACADEMY 1/35 scale model aircraft building

아카데미 1/35 스케일 AH-1Z 킷의 조립과 도색 및 에나멜,미그패널라인워시등을 활용한 웨더링과 최종조립과정 그리고 완성사진등을 담고 있습니다 This video shows the entire build of assembly, painting and weathering of Academy 1/35 scale AH-1Z VIPER kit. instagram: airbrush: IWATA HIGH PERFORMANCE PLUS HP-CP compresor: ARTBAG KP-ART-PCA1 25psi() paint: IPP lacquer clear & surfacer & paint, lacquer paint, TAMIYA enamel paint & acrylic paint, MIG Panel Line Wash
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