Discovering the Suppliers Behind the Biver Brand - Episode IV

At first seemed impossible, the challenge of installing a new brand in high-end watchmaking and delivering an exceptional timepiece in just 12 months, resulted in a big success. Several months of work, extremely short terms if we’re talking about the watchmaking process, constant pressure, and unbeatable desire to excel and make people awe helped to create a watch that’s beautiful not only on the outside but also from the inside. In this 4th, and last, episode of our Biver Saga, we decided to talk to the invisible warriors of the horological realm, the people, who made this incredible journey possible: bracelet makers, case makers, jewelers, and movement makers. They told us their side of the story which is also full of passion and dedication to their crafts. As JC Biver himself stated, you can like the final result, or not, but one thing is certain. Suppliers are the key people when you have such a huge task in front of you. So, our Bravo! to the whole team.
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