What Does a Tasmanian Devil Sound Like?

The Tasmanian Devil is the world’s largest living marsupial carnivore. In the wild, the Tasmanian Devil is normally solitary but not territorial. A wide array of vocalisations from snorts, barks and chuffs, to monotone growlings that develop into blood-curdling screeches are common during these interactions, which generally result in the establishment of a stable dominance and then a progressive decline in the frequency of aggressive interactions due to the lower-ranking animal’s reluctance to challenge the superior animal. Communication by scent and smell is also important. “To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email licensing@” ¿Qué sonidos hacen los demonios de Tasmania? El demonio de Tasmania es el marsupial carnívoro más grande que existe. En la naturaleza son bastante solitarios, pero no territoriales. Durante este tipo de interacciones, suelen emitir una amplia gama de vocalizaciones, desde bufidos, ladridos y graznidos, hasta
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