Sarawak, Malaysia, 1913 ’wild women’ (orang asli)

Finally the filmparty meet the women they were searching for in the jungle which they termed ’wild’ for some reason, may be because they were not too friendly. I understand that the term: wild women is resented now, but it is from an almost 100 years old documentary film. The film tells more about how Westerners were informed about exotic places before WW2 than giving an authentic image. I’m told that orang asli are called pribumi in that country. A few hundred viewers have given their often damaging comments on this 9,5mm silent documentary film (sound track added by me) . The film was heavily damaged and I haven’t seen a similar copy being offered for sale the last wooden camera used in some instances suggests it was taken long ago. In fact this is one third of a longer documentary film released at the time. I have not been able to find this film in prewar 9,5mm catalogs. The 1932 Wild women of Borneo film is with actors and this documentary is not. Finally I may refer those w
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