R A G E - Motivational Video | A Life Changing Speech

Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night read by Anthony Hopkins This poem’s meaning is life affirming. It urges us to live life to the fullest and to never surrender. “Rage, rage, rage against the dying of the light“ -- push back and against blindness, illness, death, and whatever is forcing you back in life. Dylan connects all men together--wise men, good men, wild men--by writing that they all will face death. When they do, he urges them to fight--“rage“--for more life, rather than gracefully slipping into darkness. No matter what these men have done with their life, good or bad, they shouldn’t give up the struggle for more. I edited this video together in the hope that it might provoke some deep thought and contemplation among those who enjoy it. Be sure to check out ‘Invincible’ – the first instalment of this series of motivational videos too. Music: Atis Freivalds - For Her Poem: Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night - Dylan Thoma
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