The WD-40 Effect | Acrylic Pour Painting

If you want to have nice cells in your pictures, just use WD 40! So that it works well, but you should note a little thing. The secret, so that not too many cells arise, the WD 40 comes only in the white color, stir well, so that many small cells arise and enjoy. In the orange on the left and the darker blue below there are even nice net cells. If you liked it, then I look forward as always to a nice comment or a thumbs up. Thanks and creative greetings Tiktus --- - Dilute Acrylic for Painting, step by step: - I use a turntable, similar to this one |I have glued a thin wooden plate over it|: - (advertising *) - You want your pictures to shine so beautifully after drying, then seal them with epoxy resin: - (advertising *) --- My book (in German): (Advertising *) My Etsy store: (Advertising Etsy*) My
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