Fantastic Mr. Fox is a 2009 stop-motion animated film based on the Roald Dahl children’s novel of the same name. Released in the autumn of 2009, it was produced by Regency Enterprises and Indian Paintbrush, and features the voices of George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Jason Schwartzman, and Bill Murray. It is the first animated film directed by Wes Anderson.
Music by Alexandre Desplat and Various
Relase Date: 2009
01. American Empirical Pictures - Alexandre Desplat
02. The Ballad of Davy Crockett - The Wellingtons
03. Mr. Fox in the Fields - Alexandre Desplat
04. Heroes and Villians
... - The Beach Boys
05. Fooba Wooba John - Burl Ives
06. Boggis, Bunce and Bean - Alexandre Desplat
07. Jimmy Squirrel and Co. - Alexandre Desplat
08. Love - Nancy Adams
09. Buckeye Jim - Burl Ives
10. High-Speed French Train - Alexandre Desplat
11. Whack-Bat Majorette - Alexandre Desplat
12. The Grey Goose - Burl Ives
13. Beans Secret Cider Cellar - AlexanShow more