Jessica Wolff - Want You Out Of My Head

Music and text by Christian Berglund/Therese Svensson/Johan Bejerholm Video made by production company HMCindie () Camera/Editing/Director/Effects: Mikko Löppönen Camera: Tuomo Kujala Producer: Ville Lumioksa Pyro effects: Henri Kiviniemi and Antti Mannertie Performing artist: Jessica Wolff Band members: Lassi Jokinen, Ari Manninen, Minttu Muranen and Jani Hölli. Actors: Jyrki 69, Jesse Liskola, Werner Gröhn, Risto “Ride“ Mikkola and Catrine Krusberg Make up & stylist: Piia Hiltunen, Jenni Ahtiainen, Minttu Holopainen and Mikko Kivinen, Assistance & support: Jani Parkkonen, Jan-Erik Paloniemi, Esko Lindgren, Tuomas Keskinarkaus, Tuomas Lallukka, Mikko Rahikainen, Stella Harasek, Amara Doumbouya, Svenska Kulturfonden I’m very grateful for working with such wonderful people. Many of them did different roles on the film set and put hours of energy down on this project just because they wanted to help. Friends like that don’t grow on trees! Last but not least I want to thank my vocal coach Sofia Lilja, my friends and family for the great support. Big thank you hugs to each and everyone of you!
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