Lhasa - The Attic

〰️ STR12-020 To understand where “The Attic” came from, we have to go back to one of my oldest memories: watching Der Phantastische Film on German tv. The movies that left the deepest marks on me were the ones that zoomed in on the possible bad sides of technology and predicted the downfall of mankind. A next personal cornerstone was Tubeway Army’s “Are ’friends’ electric?”, from 1979: it was the first time I was blown away by the sound of synths. It felt so new, an expression of the perversity of technology through music. The song was about androids who seduced humans in order to rape th...em. The shortcomings of human beings transported to technology. It was machines turning against humanity. It wasn’t like Kraftwerk who were very first degree, unpersonal and too clean. I was an early adopter of home computers, but the instruments and stud
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