Pablo Picasso: The Legacy of a Genius

Available to watch from 20 April to 17 May 2023. A host of the 20th century’s foremost artists and critics bring personal anecdotes, praise and criticism to bear on a chronological analysis of the life and work of Pablo Picasso. Led by figures such as David Hockney, Françoise Gilot and Clement Greenberg, this film charts Picasso’s diverse career, exploring his inspirations and the lasting influence of his vast body of work. From his melancholic ‘Blue Period’, through the introduction of Cubism and his momentous Guernica, the impact of Picasso’s emotional life on his output is brought to the fore, offering insight into the psychology behind the great artist’s responses to the world around him. Pablo Picasso: The Legacy of a Genius, 1981, directed by Michael Blackwood, produced by Michael Blackwood Productions.
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