Itzhak Perlman: Virtuoso Violinist, I know I played every note - Documentary of 1978

Click here for the whole performance of BWV 1004: Click here for the whole performance of BWV 1006: Subscribe to the channel for more content: Buy the DVD here: This film contains, first of all, a portrait of the artist as a young man. “ltzhak Perlman: Virtuoso Violinist (I know I played every note)“. It is a closely observed account of the formative years of Itzhak Perlman’s life and career, an intimate look at a many-faceted artist who wears his success and his astonishing virtuosity so lightly. His music, his television appearances, his spokesmanship for the disabled and his light-hearted ebullience have won him a particularly affectionate following but he carries his success with a particular grace and style and describes himself as basically a family man for whom the most important thing in his life is his relationship with his family. This portrait film,
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