Record hail smashes houses and cars. Storm in Brazil

Giant hail in Brazil! This Saturday (23rd) in different regions of the state of Rio Grande do Sul there were heavy rains, including hail. A storm warning has been issued for the southern and central regions of the state since the end of the week. Strong winds of 60 to 100 km/h and hail damage were forecast, with the risk of power outages, damage to plantations, and damage to trees and alagaments. In Baga, hailstorm began this Saturday and lasted for 4 hours, damaging houses and vehicles. The municipal civil defense received approximately 8,000 emergency calls. #weather #typhoon #rain #brazil #flood #hurricane #volcano #earthquake #hail #wind #storm #news #landslide #RioGrandedoSul The channel lists natural disasters such as: 1) Emergency geological situations: earthquake, volcanic eruption, mud, landslide, landslide, avalanche; 2) Emergency hydrological situations: flood, tsunami, limnological disaster, flood, flood; 3) Fires: forest fire, peat fire; 4) Meteorological emergencies:
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