Shred and sculpt your upper abs with this killer 10 min upper abs workout – part of our 6 Pack Starter Series.
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The secret to six pack abs is good nutrition combined with a caloric deficit diet and exercise. You can do upper ab exercises every day, but if you’re not putting the same effort into your nutrition then you’ll have a difficult time shedding enough body fat to reveal your abs – especially your upper abs.
Follow along with our 6 Pack Starter Series, a 6-week ab program designed to get your abs swimsuit-ready for the summer! This series consists of five different 10 minute abs videos that you’ll complete each week for six weeks.
👉🏼 Duration: 10 Minutes
👉🏼 Equipment: Just a mat
🦍 We use and highly recommend the Yo Gorilla Mats Premium Large Exercise Mat, size: 7’ x 4’ x 8mm. This mat is the first mat we’ve used that doesn’t slide around and we are OBSESSED with the comfort! Check it out at
► Use code TIFFXDAN to get 10% off your order!
👉🏼 Timing: 40 Seconds Work, 10 Seconds Rest
👉🏼 Level: Medium
More Ab Workout Videos:
💪🏽 5 Min Lower Abs:
💪🏽 5 Min Obliques:
💪🏽 5 Min Upper Abs:
💪🏽 12 Min Total Abs:
💪🏽 15 Min Ab Shredder:
The exercises for this upper abs workout are listed below:
0:20 - Prayer Crunch
1:10 - Cross Crunch Right
2:00 - Cross Crunch Left
2:50 - Crunch Crunch Hold
3:40 - Tabletop Crunches
4:30 - Alternating Toe Reaches
5:20 - Bicycle Crunches
6:10 - 3-Point Crunches
7:00 - Eagle Arm Double Crunch (Right Leg Crossed Over Left)
7:50 - Side-To-Side Reaches
8:40 - Eagle Arm Double Crunch (Left Leg Crossed Over Right
9:30 - Full Extension Crunch Tuck
Looking for a complete full-body workout program? Look no further than our FREE 6 Week Shred! This at home workout program uses a combination of bodyweight and dumbbells and includes a total of 30 videos (5 every week) ranging between 30-60 minutes each for your to follow along with. View the Community Tab on our channel for the workout calendars.
Add the 6 Week Shred playlist to your favorites so you can come back every day.
If you haven’t already, be sure to check out our ABS VIDEO PLAYLIST for some of our favorite abs workouts.
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THANK YOU for watching and please remember to subscribe! We feel so grateful to have such an amazing YouTube community.
DISCLAIMER: TIFF x DAN strongly recommend that you consult your physician before starting any exercise or workout program. You should be in good physical mental condition able to participate in the exercises. You should be aware understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this workout, exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, agree to release and discharge TIFF x DAN from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of TIFF x DAN negligence.
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