Опубликовано: 14 нояб. 2017 г.
Ligia - Cealalta ea (Official Video)
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Muzica si versuri: Ligia
Productie: Mahia Beldo
Mix-Master: Bunicu Magic
Official website:
Video: Claudiu Stan
Hairstyle by TIMES beauty studio
Make-up: Scandalous makeup by Mary Loren
Vasile Revnic
Raul Andrei Ghiță
Alma Costin
Alexandra Timofte
MediaPro Music is a Romanian record label, part of the Universal Music Group, that manages a portfolio of over 50 local artists.
We gathered and successfully promote some of the most representative Romanian artists: Alexandra Stan, Loredana, Holograf, Andra, Dan Balan, Alina Eremia, Dorian Popa, Stefan Banica, Lora, Vunk, AMI, Nicole Cherry and many mo