One Hour of Soviet Anti-Fascist Resistance (Сопротивление) Music

There’s a lot of Soviet Music about the Second World War out there, but for this video I decided to just use songs that are about the Soviet Partisans or specifically call out the Nazis. 0:00 Священная война (The Sacred War) 2:49 Мы фашистов разобьём (We Will Crush the Fascists) 5:11 Марш защитников Москвы (March of the Defenders of Moscow) 9:01 Армия, вперед! (Army, Forward!) 11:34 Бейте с неба самолеты (Knock the Airplanes Out of the Sky) 14:23 Бескозырка (Sailor’s Cap) 19:28 Песня Максима (Maxim’s Song)
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