CS2’s First Major Update

This update changes everything. The world will never be the same again. And within 24 hours it’s outdated cos Valve have backtracked on the XP thing already Read the patchnotes here: 0:00 - Updatin’ time 0:24 - Map - Shoots 0:40 - Map - Baggage 1:44 - What does Arms Race MEAN 2:20 - Recharging Zeus 2:59 - New skins 3:47 - New music kit 4:05 - New stickers placement! 4:26 - New fail animations 4:31 - Smoke update! 5:44 - Hear what you sound like! 6:01 - Refund button 6:09 - Tracers 6:41 - Peak Peekers Advantage 7:01 - Boring map updates 7:16 - Lovely menu background 7:29 - XP Overload, RIP already 7:50 - Valve’s Updatin’, quit yer bitchin’
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