Andrew York – Sunburst played by Anton Baranov

Here is one of the most iconic piece by Andrew York from his album ’Open sky’ released back in 1986. In my opinion this piece together with ’By candlelight’ displays York’s bright and strong personality as a composer. Check out authors’ version here on YT with ’Jubilations’ as an intro to ’Sunburst’. This piece requires special tuning: 1st and 6th drop D, quite unusual and very close to DADGAD by the way. Here is Andrew’s website where you can order the sheet music of this piece: I recorded this work during my scholar years (ca 2007) . Enjoy all wrong and buzzed notes here, they are for free, ha-ha!!!! More ’non classical’ stuff to be uploaded here as video-score, stay tuned! 🚩My transcriptions now available here: Visit my website: My instagram: Become fan on Facebook: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ещё одна пьеса в формате ’video-score’, на это раз музыка Эндрю Йорка из альбома Open Sky 1986 года. На мой взгляд, Sunburst – одна из лучших работ Йорка, в ней очень сильно чувствуется его композиторская индивидуальность. Аудиозапись из моего домашнего архива, примерно 2007 год. 🚩Мои транскрипции доступны здесь: Я в соцсетях: VK: Telegram: KTthg9B4uSViODgy Инстаграм: Вэбсайт: Связаться со мной: abgit@ #score #guitar #AntonBaranov
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