Let The Dead Past Bury Its Dead (1925)

Item title reads - “Let the dead past bury its dead“ Mr Austen Chamberlain, Allied and German leaders meet to endeavour to arrange “security pact“. Locarno, Switzerland. Intertitle - ’the beautiful little town is packed with journalists of all nations.’ L/S of people stood about outside and in front of some steps, the camera pans across them. M/S of Austen Chamberlain, British Foreign Secretary, and two other delegates together on the steps. Intertitle - ’Mr Briand and French Delegates.’ M/S as Monsieur Briand and Monsieur Berthelot emerge with the other delegates. Intertitle - ’Dr. Luther and Herr Stresemann represent Germany.’ M/S as they also emerge with six other men and walk down the steps where they pose for the camera. Intertitle - ’The Italian Delegates.’ M/S of eight Italian delegates minus Benito Mussolini who was also present. Intertitle - ’M. Vandervelde and Belgian Delegates.’ M/S as Mr Vandervelde stands on the steps with various other delegates. Note: this item is y
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