Making A Desk Ornament Diffuser With Jesse James Beads
Today I’m showing how I made a desk ornament diffuser with the Jesse James Beads, Magical Mystery Bead Box - Treasure Trove. I used the amazing Agate slice to create a mermaid inspired desk ornament diffuser for essential oils.
I was dreaming about a beautiful mermaid, who swims into a cove, rises out of the water to rest and unfurl her beautiful, colorful tail. As the waves splash about her, these turtle friends keep her company and bring her treasure and food to delight her.
Mimicking the waves, this ornament has 2 cages turtles with untreated lava beads, perfect for adding a drop of essential oils.
Treasure Trove is available:
#jessejamesbeads #jjbambassador #magicalmysterybeadbox @Jesse James Beads