WAY More than a Powerhouse: The Incredible Roles Mitochondria Play

We all know Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell. But is that ALL they do? This video provides a really broad introduction to the incredibly mutlifacted roles mitochondria play in everyday cell life. A review video like this will gloss over lots of important details though. Corrections, clarifications and sources are here: Fact checking for this episode was generously donated by the BRILLIANT @Astroboi on discord (check out his lecture channel here: ) Sources are cited in this ever-growing twitter thread: (wait, I need to publish first) This channel is created with the support of all our patrons on Patreon: Support the channel directly with a one time donation: This channel is dedicated to sparking your curiosity about biochemistry, not to being a definitive resource. To help you continue you biochem journey, I’m really excited to partner with Biocord , a Discord server dedicated to bringing together biologists from around the globe! Join the conversation with thousands of life sciences professionals and enthusiasts here:- All music is by Jeremy Blake(), released on the Youtube Audio Library. Intro music: Let’s Go Home () Outro music: Lost and Found () The style of this video was largely developed based on tutorials by Ben Marriot: ()
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