The Days of a Glorious Future - Heaven and the Life to Come

As the signs of Matthew 24 become more and more apparent with each passing year, it also becomes evident that the time of probation in terms of accepting the loving sacrifice of Christ becomes more and more precious. We as followers of Christ have a highly important task of spreading the untainted, pure and Holy Spirit guided news of salvation to the masses of the world. Whether the world accepts it or not is a matter that is left to the individual. We also have the responsibility of continually running the race of life, so that an eternal inheritance beyond the darkness of these days may be found. Nothing could be more precious. As the natural disasters, outbreaks of disease (i.e. Ebola), war and financial collapse continually shape the nature of these days, and will worsen to the likes we have never seen - we are called upon by the Lord to lift our heads to the clouds of heaven, and take joy; as our redemption is drawing near (Luke 21:28.)
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