15th World Wushu Championships – Day 1 – Morning Session – W Nanquan, W Jianshu, W Baguazhang

Taolu competition and medal ceremonies for 15th WWC Day 1. From Oct. 19 to 24, wushu taolu and sanda athletes from nearly 90 countries and regions competed in Shanghai at the 15th World Wushu Championships. The World Wushu Championships (WWC) is the official world championship event that is hosted by the International Wushu Federation. First held in 1991, the WWC takes place biennially and is the official pinnacle championships of the IWUF, featuring the highest competitive level within the sport of wushu. The World Wushu Championships features taolu and sanda competition for both men and women. The World Wushu Championships also coincides with the IWUF’s congress as well as various committee meetings.
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