Air News (1948)

Full title reads: “AIR NEWS“. ATLANTIC St. Evel Airfield, Newquay, Cornwall & Atlantic Ocean. General view of coastal command airfield with two Lancaster planes getting ready to take off. Officer and airman marking map. Package of radar tubes being put aboard aircraft. Close up shot of WAAF radio transmitter operator in control tower. Long shot of Lancaster aircraft taking off, pan with plane as it rises. Atlantic Ocean - air to air shot of Lancaster in flight. Closer air to air shot of Lancaster flying over sea, passing through cloud. Close up shot of interior of aircraft. Navigator in foreground. Long air to air shot of Lancaster flying above weather ship ’Explorer’. Close up shot of Lancaster running in to drop package - flying very low. Close up shot of a pilot pulling release lever to drop the radar supplies to the ’Explorer’. Close up shot of the pilot signalling. Plane flies low over water and weather ship. Close up shot of pilot. Long shot of Lancaster flying over sea. WASHINGTON Washingt
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